
Showing posts from January, 2021

Let's Celebrate A Few February Holidays with Kites, Wine, Chili, and Umbrellas. What Fun!

 There are several things to celebrate in February.  I searched and selected a few special days that I wanted to focus on in this post.  Yes, I know I am late on a few, but better late than never.  You can celebrate these days whenever the time is right for you.  So, Happy February Celebrations.  Let's get started... (I am an Amazon Affiliate.  If you buy anything on Amazon using my links, I get a percent of the sale with no added cost to you.  Thanks:-) Kite Flying Day is February 8th National Kite Flying Day is February 8th, 2021.  I remember as a kid flying kites in an open field on our property in Maryland.  As I recall, the hardest part when flying a kite is running through the field in an attempt to thrust the kite skyward.   I remember my Mom helping us make tails for the kite.  I found an article about the importance of kite tails in Scientific America, Stability Science: How Tails Help a Kite Fly. I bought Caleb a kite...

Journal Prompt- National Bird Day is in the Month of January. Share a Personal Bird Story.

 When I think of bird stories in my life, I think of two stories. One occurred with my daughter's pet bird Kiwi. Kiwi was a parrotlet.  He was a  beautiful little bird, but a mean little bird. His only love was for my daughter and the rest of us; he despised. Those of us not in Kiwi's good graces were victims of his attacks. He would lower his head, stick out his beak, and charge anyone who got in his way. Kiwi loved Erica, but she too was the recipient of his many attacks but on a lesser scale.   The other bird story that I recall involved my beloved brother, Burce. Bruce had Downs Syndrome, and he was a joy. He and I would go on outings and adventures together. One excursion took us to a farm to go horseback riding. As we were walking to the barn that day, we were being followed. An angry goose was in pursuit. This goose had us in his sights; he put his head down and began to chase us. Instinctively we started to run. We heard a staff member of the farm shout, "don...

Book Genre-Thriller

So just what is a thriller? Here is what Wikipedia says "Thrillers are characterized and defined by the moods they elicit, giving viewers heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation, and anxiety. Successful examples of thrillers are the films of Alfred Hitchcock." I found a list of sub-genres in the thriller category.  There is the thriller sub-genres; psychological, action, crime, political, mystery, spy, legal, and science fiction thriller.   The Master Class site says, " Thrillers are dark, engrossing, and suspenseful plot-driven stories." The Last Flight by Julie Clark on Good Reads is listed as a thriller.   The sub-genre, as listed on GoodReads, is  Mystery-Thriller and Psychological Thriller. I just finished listening to this book on Audible.  It was a thriller based on the Wikipedia definition.  The book was suspenseful, anxiety-producing, and there were feelings of anticipation as I waited to see what happened.  I...

Let's Enjoy A Few Celebrations in January

There are several things to celebrate in January.  I searched and selected a few special days that I wanted to focus on in this post.  Yes, I know I am late on a few, but better late than never.  You can celebrate these days whenever the time is right for you.  So, Happy January Celebrations.  Let's get started... (I am an Amazon Affiliate.  If you buy anything on Amazon using my links I get a percent of the sale with no added cost to you.  Thanks:-) Bubble Bath Day is January 8th   Bubble bath day  is celebrated on January 8th, but in my opinion, it can be celebrated any day of the year.  I don't take many baths; I am more of a shower girl.  I do know that taking a bath can be soothing, calming, and a stress reliever.  I found an article on Oprah Magazine called 10 Best Bubble Baths Products for Adults that are Safe to Use.   I thought it would be fun to try a few of the products, so I am headed to Amazon to see what...

Journal Prompt-January is know for linen sales. How do you feel about sheets and are you a sheet snob?

  I don't think I was born a sheet snob, but somehow, along the way, I found that I do have sheet requirements that need to be met. When I was a kid, I did not think twice about sheets. If you ask me if I can recall how smooth and soft my childhood sheets were, I would have to say, "I have no idea."  I think my mom leaned toward sheet snobbery. I can remember her on many occasions talking about "nice sheets." I think, to my mom, that nice sheets meant a soft, smooth-textured sheet. I recall she liked cotton and percale blends. When I was probably in my forties, I visited a Bed and Breakfast when I was on vacation. The home was beautiful. It was evident that an interior designer created the look, and I felt like I was staying in a magazine. The bed looked inviting, and I could not wait to snuggle in and read a good book. I pulled back the sheets and jumped into bed. What a rude awakening, the sheets felt like sandpaper, and I stayed awake most of the night. That ...

Five Book Reading Wrap-up

Join me for my five book reading wrapup! (There is an Amazon link to each book.  If you are interested in a bit more information, just click on the link.  I am an Amazon Affiliate.  If you click on the link and buy anything at all, I get a percent of the sale at no cost to you...thanks:-) ********************************************************************************* Book 1  "Wish" by Barbara O'Connor Genre: Children's Middle Grade, Realistic Fiction, Fiction,  Good Reads Rating-4.31/5 My Rating is 5/5 (click photo below to go to Amazon) Overview I found on Amazon. A touching,  New York Times ā€“bestselling story about a girl and her dog, perfect for young animal lovers. Eleven-year-old Charlie Reese has been making the same secret wish every day since fourth grade. She even has a list of all the ways there are to make the wish, such as cutting off the pointed end of a slice of pie and wishing on it as she takes the last bite. But when she is sent to the Bl...