Exploring A Genre-What is Science Fiction?

Below is my YouTube post on Science Fiction

So just what is Science Fiction?  The Science Fiction Genre is based on science.  It is based on the author's imagination but also based on the principles of science that support its possibility. Many times you will find this type of genre based on time travel or in space.  Dystopian settings are popular in this genre as is the possibility of advanced technologies. Thus a Science Fiction Novel may be possible based on science.

There are different types of Science Fiction.
Hard Science Fiction that follows scientific facts to the letter. Then you have Soft Science Fiction which still focuses on science but leans more toward the social sciences.  Mostly you get a combination of both.

Two of the main differences between Science Fiction and Fantasy are that in Science Fiction the storyline is plausible whereas in Fantasy it is not.  Also, the settings tend to be different.  In Science Fiction the setting tends to be advanced in science and technology whereas in Fantasy it is more supernatural and contains magic and mythical creatures and worlds.

Popular Science Fiction Books that I have heard of...
The Time Machine- (Is that really possible based on science?)
Star Wars
A Wrinkle in Time (I have that book but I have not read it)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Back to the Future
Men in Black

Exploring my bookshelf
I realized while researching the Science Fiction Genre that I have not read very many Science Fiction Books.  This is probably the case because I have very little interest in space.
Here are a few I have read.
The Watchers by Dean Koontz
The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins
Early Riser by Jasper Fforde

What is your favorite Science Fiction Book?  I would love to know.
Happy Reading Everyone!


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