Monthly Motivation: Choose Your Path

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,"

Joshua 1:9

Sometimes, where we find ourselves may not be where we want to be.  Sometimes, we did not choose to be in this place, but it was thrust upon us.  Regardless of our situation, we can rest assured that, as Christians, God is with us.  Maybe where we find ourselves is not our chosen path, but the one thing we can do is decide how we react to the situation.  We can now attempt to make a new path, knowing that God is "with us wherever we go."  What a blessing!

Here is a quote by Kristin Armstrong concerning choosing our path...
"This choice not only affects you, but it can shape the legacy 
you leave for your children and grandchildren."

Our choices affect everyone.  With God's help, I pray I make the right ones. 
God Bless You On This Journey



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