
Showing posts from November, 2021

Wine Wednesday-My Visit to Starrlight Meadery in Pittsboro NC

As you know, if you have visited my blog, I am on an adventure to discover new to me wineries.  The other day I had the pleasure of visiting Starlight Mead in Pittsboro, NC.  They officially opened their meadery in 2010.  Quotes from their website will be in italics.  First off, what is mead?   " is the perfect time to explore mead: wine made from honey." "Refined, refreshing, and far from the sticky-sweet you might expect, our award-winning meads will open up a whole new opportunity for you. Let us introduce you to honey wine varieties as engaging, diverse, and exceptional as you would find in the world of traditional wine made from grapes". You are welcomed into a very large room with a nice bar and lots of seating... I did not know until my visit to Starlight Mead that mead can be infused with many flavors. "Try our meads that span traditional tastes, similar to white wine, to fruit-infused choices like spiced apple and blackberry. Venture into our su...

Weekly Pinterest Plan for the week of Nov 8, 2021

 If you are like me, you love Pinterest.  I have many boards and tons of saved ideas.  I was thinking I wanted to use recipes and other tips and techniques I have saved on Pinterest.  I know I will never use all the posts at my fingertips unless I have a plan.  I thought, why not make a Weekly Pinterest Plan.  It will vary from week to week.  I know I won't always accomplish my goals for the week, and if I don't, I can move it forward to the next week or just make an entirely different plan.  I have chosen five items for my Pinterest Plan so let's get started. 1- Pork Chops in Creamy Wine Sauce.  You can find this in my board called Recipes/Entrees .  Here is the actual recipe on a site called What's In The Pan.  Click here for the recipe Pork Chops in Creamy Wine Sauce .  I have all the ingredients; I just need to put it together.  I think I will do that tonight.  I will let you know how it turns out. 2 - Soft and ...

Wine In The Music- Songs with Wine in The Lyrics

When I was reading about wine the other day, I saw mention of the many songs written about wine.  I thought I would do a search and see what I could find. Sweet Cherry Wine by Tommy James and the Shondells I was pretty young when this one came out in 1969.   Taylor Swift - Champagne Problems This is another good song that I have never heard. Champagne is the wine of choice in this song. Three Dog Night - Joy to the World ā€œJeremiah was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine I never understood a single word he said But I helped him a-drink his wine And he always had some mighty fine wine ā€œ LeAnn Rimes-Good Friend and a Glass of Wine I don't think I have ever heard this one before, but it is a fun song. Emmylou Harris-Two More Bottles of Wine Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca I remember loving the rhythm of this song. When I read that it was a song that referred to wine, I had to give it a listen.  It is quite a suggestive song, but the music is so much fun. The only thing I ...

Reading, Entertainment and Lifestyle Vlog Nov 7, 2021

  My Reading, Watching, and More Vlog Nov 7, 2021 Here is the YouTube version... Books I did finish the two books I talked about last week.   Infinite by Brian Freeman, I did really enjoy.  It was my Audible listen.  The narrator was excellent, as was the plot and the flow of the story.  This book kept my interest on my long walks.   I also finished We Are the Brennans by Tracey Lange.  I found this one to be a bit too slow for me.  It seemed to go on and on.  I did not like the ending at all.  I don't believe people should be thrown away because you have a change of heart.  I have been there, and I find this unethical.  I wish the author would have taken the high ground. You can tell this is a trigger warning for me, and it did upset me.  Family We had a very enjoyable Halloween.  We went over to Steph and Josh's.  We enjoyed my newly famous White Chicken Chilli.  I have decided I like it served with Ritz...

Book Releases - Six New Books for November 2021 That Caught my Eye

  Here are a few books that caught my eye that are released in Nov 2021. Here is my YouTube version...   1-Gilded Re-Telling, Fantasy, Young Adult, Fairy Tale by Marissa Meyer Release Date Nov 2, 2021 Good Reads gave it 4.25 stars                                                 Overview from Goodreads Site Long ago cursed by the god of lies, a poor miller's daughter has developed a talent for spinning stories that are fantastical and spellbinding and entirely untrue. Or so everyone believes. When one of Serilda's outlandish tales draws the attention of the sinister Erlking and his undead hunters, she finds herself swept away into a grim world where ghouls and phantoms prowl the earth and hollow-eyed ravens track her every move. The king orders Serilda to complete the impossible task of spinning straw into gold, or be killed for telling falsehoods. In her desp...

Food and Wine Adventures- North Carolina Wine-Hinnant Family Winery in Pine Level NC

Wine Adventures I am on a mission to visit at least one winery or wine-related establishment a month.  This month we have visited two wineries.  Karen and I went to FireClay Vineyards in Siler City, NC, and then last week, we visited Hinnant Family Vineyards in Pine Level, NC.  Where I live in Cary, it takes a little over an hour to get there.  It is an easy drive. I will put some quotes from their website in italics for you.  Learn more on their About Us page.  Be aware also that there are some Covid Related Restrictions. Check out the website to learn more.  "It all started in 1971...In the early years, grapes were sold to fresh markets, other vineyards, & to the public......the doors opened, and in 2003 the first bottle was sold." "Building upon the original acreage growing to a 100 acres of grapes, the Hinnant Family Vineyards & Winery is the oldest and largest commercial Muscadine vineyard in the state of North Carolina." We were ready f...

Reading Watching and More Lifestyle Vlog Oct 31, 2021

My Reading, Watching, and More Vlog Oct 2021 My YouTube Version is below Books What I am reading now? Infinite By Brian Freeman Science Fiction, Thriller, Fiction I am typically not a Sci-Fi person, but this one is good.  If you can get past the fact that there are parallel universes where our doppelgangers exist and that we have many doubles with many different personalities, you will probably like this book.   This book is a 9 hour and 47 minutes listen, but it goes quickly.  I have a little over an hour's listen left, and I am really enjoying this book. Here is what a Good Reads reviewer had to say... " This is the first book I've read by Brian Freeman and I loved it. Parallel worlds with similarities of Jack the ripper murders. The ending was hang on to your seat thrilling. " The physical book I am reading is We Are The Brennans by Tracey Lange Fiction, Contemporary, Family Here is what a Good Reads reviewer had to say " Reading this novel I can tell that the...