
Showing posts from July, 2021

Weekly Reading and Watching July 19,2021-A few things that caught my eye.

Join me for my weekly online reading and video watching post.   Just a few things that caught my eye this week  πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š A Book That Caught my Eye This Week-My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood β€œFrom ex-con to icon. Danny’s incredible life story shows that even though we may fall down at some point in our lives, it’s what we do when we stand back up that really counts.” β€”Robert Rodriguez, I remember seeing Danny in some of the movies I used to watch with my Dad.  He was an intimidating character that played the part well.  I would love to read more about his life, and he went from a difficult home life to prison and then on to become an actor.  I am sure his story is inspirational and well worth the read.  Below is an interview with Danny on a National News Network. πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯ Movie -Boss Baby Family Business Caleb and Maggie are spending a few days with me next week.  They have wanted to see Boss Baby Family Business.  Ma...

Weekly Words Tuesday-"Get Up Early...."What time do you get up?

 As I was looking over this quote, I had many thoughts.  The first thought was, yes, I can get up early. I was up at 4 am today.  I don't work at my desk, so I did not clear my desk.  I can't tie my hair because it is too short.  I did make some coffee which is the second thing I do every morning after my shower.   Here comes the tough part.  "Start working for your future."  I was married for nearly four decades and thought I had worked for my future and that all was planned and there would be no disruption of this plan.  This turned out not to be the case, and my husband walked out after 37 years, and any plan I had for my future was destroyed.  Now I have to work for my own personal future.   I will continue to work on my writing and blogging and see where that leads.  I will continue to get up early to achieve these goals. I would love to know your thoughts on this quote.  Let me know in the comment box. Take care and ...

Books-New Book Releases July 2021

Here are a few books that caught my eye that release in July 2021. Here is my YouTube version...   1-In The Same Boat Young Adult, Contempory, Romance, Friction by Holly Green Release Date July 20, 2021 Good Reads gave it 4.73 stars                                                Overview from Goodreads Site In the Same Boat  is the hugely entertaining blend of romance and thrilling adventure that you never knew you needed. Sadie Scofield is just a few days away from the race of a lifetime. The Texas River Odyssey may be 260 miles and multiple days of arduous canoeing where every turn of the river reveals new dangers-downed trees, alligators, pitch black night-but those dangers pale in comparison to going another year knowing that her father is ashamed of her. Last year, Sadie caused a disastrous wreck that ended her father's twenty year streak of finishes, an...

Travel Blast From the Past-Corning Museum of Glass with the Road Scholars...Glass Blowing

We continue our journey with the Road Scholars at the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY. "50 B.C. ~ Glass blowing techniques invented by the Phoenicians on the Syro-Palestinian coast. 23-79 A.D. ~ Ancient Historian Pliny suggests shipwrecked Phoenician sailors accidentally discovered glass making.  1st Century  B.C. ~ Cologne, Germany becomes major glass blowing center of the Roman Empire." History of Glass Blowing  Glassblowing  is a glass-forming technique that involves inflating molten  glass  into a bubble (or parison) with the aid of a  blowpipe  (or blow tube). Wikipedia   They had an area where you could watch glass blowing in progress.  It is definitely a skill.  You can see a few of the items they made in the foreground of the photo. I am not sure if Whimsies are blown glass or not, but I thought I would add them here:-) If you feel artistic, you can actually make your...

Journal Prompt-Have You Ever Competed in an Organized Sporting Event?

  I have competed in a few athletic events in my lifetime. That being said, I am not very competitive when it comes to sports-related activities.  Growing up in the countryside of Maryland, I played my share of football and baseball in the fields with my brothers. I grew up with four brothers, and they did not treat me any differently than they would a boy playing the game. I remember many painful tumbles when playing tackle football and several equally painful moments when being hit by a fast-moving baseball.  I did not play any sports in school. I regret that I did not pursue some type of team sport because I was athletic and I could run. I think I would have enjoyed field hockey. My Mom played field hockey, and she loved it. My daughter Erica played as well; my Mom would have been proud.  I was a cheerleader in High School. It was not the extreme cheerleading that you see today. To be a cheerleader in my school, you had to be able to do a split, cartwheels, a few ...

Travel-A Trip to Spring Haven in Chapel Hill NC

 My daughter Erica has two very young children.  The day seems long when you have a 1-month-old and a one-year-old, so we have decided to go on some adventures in our attempt to break up her day.  One such adventure was not far from our location it is called. Spring Haven Farm in Chapel Hill, NC. We gather up the kids, and off we went to the farm. Here is a quote from the website..... Experience all the  fun  and  joy of the farm with none of the work! "A Celebration of all things Goat! Our farm is family friendly, with fun for everyone. Watch as baby goats prance, hop and gallop around the farm… watch out, they may even steal your heart! Goats are full of love and curiosity - they’re waiting for you to show up so they can get snuggled and loved on!" There were so many free-range critters.  We met several friendly goats walking around the grounds.  There were also turkeys, guineas, chickens, a couple of dogs, and we saw one cat.  Also, you wi...