
Showing posts from October, 2023

A Few Events To Enjoy in North Carolina in November 2023- Get Out and Have Fun

   I am always looking for fun things to do in the area.  I thought I would take it a bit further and see what events are occurring in North Carolina in a specific month.  Let's take a look a just a few things happening in November 2023 in NC that you may enjoy. I live in the Raleigh/Durham area, so I looked for exciting events to attend in November that are easily within driving distance.  I would love to attend them all! The Links to Each Event... (Be sure and verify event times and locations before attending.   You may need a ticket depending on the event) Things to do in November  in the Triangle Area North Carolina Gourd Arts and Crafts Festival November 4-5 in Raleigh NC Chinese Lantern Festival November 17-January 14 in Cary NC Moonlight in the Garden November 9-11 and November 16-18 in Raleigh NC Trans-Siberian Orchestra Ghosts of Christmas Eve Nov 13 in Raleigh, NC The Christmas Carousel Holiday Market Nov 24-26 in Raleigh NC A Few Things to...

Do You Want A Reason To Celebrate in November? Here are A Few Daily Holidays For November 2023

  I love to celebrate everything from birthdays to major holidays and everything in between.  Lucky for you and me, too, there are a ton of daily holidays just waiting to be enjoyed.  Here is a list of 15 holidays in November 2023 that will give you a reason to celebrate.  November 1- Authors Day November 2- Deviled Eggs Day November 3- Sandwich Day November 5- National Donut Day November 8- Tongue Twister Day November 9- National Scrapple Day November 10- Vanilla Cupcake Day November 12- Happy Hour Day November 14- Pickle Day November 16- Fast Food Day November 17- Take A Hike Day November 19- Play Monopoly Day November 21- World Television Day November 22- Go For A Ride Day November 25- National Parfait Day Happy Holidays Everyone! KathieyV

Travel-Divine Llama Vineyards. Wine and Llama Trekking

My Visit to Divine Llama and Vineyards in East Bend, NC.  This is a repost from 2020.   It was so much fun I wanted to post it again I have been talking about visiting Divine Llama Vineyards for years.  I knew there were llamas and wine, so it had to be a fun place for a new adventure.  The vineyard is located in East Bend, NC.  This was about a two-hour drive from where I live, so I decided it was close enough for a day trip.  The vineyard was started in 2007. It is Yadkin Valley had they have award-winning wines.  They are situated on 91 acres.   I enjoyed two glasses of Chardonel wine. I had to look up what this was, which I found on Wikipedia. "Chardonel is a late-ripening white wine hybrid grape which can produce a high-quality wine with varietal character. ... It is distinguished by its superior wine quality combined with high productivity and cold hardiness superior to its acclaimed parent Chardonnay." You could see Pilot Mountain from the...

Monthly Motivation-The Carrot, The Egg, and The Coffee

  I found this short story on a site called  Spiritual Short Stories.  The title of the story and the author are unknown.  As I read the story,  I thought of myself and the many others who have experienced pain and despair. The Story A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one would pop up. Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire, and soon the pots came to boil. In the first pot she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then s...

What are You Wearing This October. Here is My Amazon Fashion Find for October 2023

It is that time of the month again.  Time to pick out an October outfit.  Here is what I picked out as possible choices from Amazon. (I am an Amazon Affiliate, so if you buy anything using my link, I get a percentage of the sale with no added cost to you.  Thanks!:-) Signature by Levi Strauss & Co women's Modern Straight Jeans Chantel Yorke 14K Gold Necklaces for Women Trendy Love Knot Infinity Necklace Pendant Necklace Handbags for Women Large Designer Ladies Hobo bag Bucket Purse Faux Leather Urban CoCo Women's Long Sleeve Boho Shirt Embroidered Top OPI Nail Polish, Milan Collection, Nail Lacquer LOMON Women's Fall Puff Long/Short Sleeve Tunic Tops Pleated Crew Neck Shirts Blouse Fossil Women's Stainless Steel and Genuine Leather Bracelet for Women LifeStride Women's, Dig Flat LifeStride Women's, Adley Boot That is it for my October fashion find.  I would love to know what you are wearing this fall.  Drop me a comment in the comment box. Happy October! Kat...

Poets Walk

Today, I decided to start my tour of Hillsborough, NC.   I thought I would visit Ayr Mount.  Ayr Moundt is a historical site in Hillsborough (blog post to follow).  On the Ayr Mount Property is a short trail called Poet's Walk Parking at the site of the trail is the same parking area that is for Ayr Mount.  Parking is free.  As you walk up to the trail, there is an informational plaque on which is a poem by Robert Burns Of aā€™ the airts the wind can blaw, I dearly like the west, For there the bonnie lassie lives, The lassie I loā€™e best: There wild woods grow, and rivers row, And monie a hill between; But day and night may fancyā€™s flight Is ever wiā€™ my Jean. I see her in the dewey flowers, I see her sweet and fair: I hear her in the tunefuā€™ birds, I hear her charm the air: Thereā€™s not a bonnie flower that springs By fountain, shaw, or green; Thereā€™s not a bonnie bird that sings, But minds me oā€™ my Jean. ~ Robert Burns The Poet's Walk is a one-mile loop around the ...

Daily Holidays To Celebrate-15 Daily Holidays to Celebrate in October 2023

 I love to celebrate everything from birthdays to major holidays and everything in between.  Lucky for you and me too, there are a ton of daily holidays just waiting to be enjoyed.  Here is a list of 15 holidays in October 2023 that will give us all reason to get in on a few daily festivities. October 1- International Coffee Day October 3- Look at the Leaves Day October 4- Cinnamon Roll Day October 8- National Fluffernutter Day October 9- Submarine/Hoagie/Hero/Grinder Day October 10- National Handbag Day October 11- Southern Food Heritage Day October 13- Silly Sayings Day October 13- National Haunted House Day October 14- National Dessert Day October 18- National Chocolate Cupcake Day October 19- National Get Smart About Credit Day October 22- Eat a Pretzel Day October 29- National Oatmeal Day October 31- National Caramel Apple Day Happy Holidays Everyone! KathieyV