My Five Book Book Review. Reading is a great CoronaVirus Diversion!

(There is an Amazon link to each book. If you are interested in a bit more information, just click on the link. I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you click on the link and buy anything at all, I get a percent of the sale with no cost to you...thanks:-) ********************************************************************************* Book 1 Flu by Gina Kolata Genre: History, Non-fiction, Science, Medical, Health Good Reads Rating-3.91/5 I would have to rate this book on two scales. Reading Experience for casual reading 2/5 More of a textbook style read 4/5 I am not even going to put up the Amazon version like I usually do. It is outrageously expensive. Is this because of the CoronaVirus Pandemic we are in now? I don't know, but the prices are crazy. I got mine from The Book Outlet before we were in our own pandemic and it was a discounted price. Overview I found on GoodReads In 1918 the Great Flu Epidem...