
Showing posts from September, 2024

Quotes-Inspirational Quote-"Be Brave Enough to be Bad at Something New!"

Inspirational Quote...  Whether you find yourself on a steady path or in a difficult life situation, you may new to be brave enough to try something new.  You may be afraid that you will not be adequately prepared for this new adventure, but that should not hold us back because it is ok to try something new, and sometimes, it is necessary. Trying something new in our lives may be an opportunity for growth. We may be forced to try something new due to our life situation or simply want to experience something new for fun or adventure. This "something new" could range from a job change to a travel adventure. Regardless of our situation, we have to be brave enough to be bad at something new to experience something new. In my opinion, this does not mean we will "be bad," but there is always a risk of imperfection in trying. There is no guarantee that what we venture to do will be an ultimate success. Sometimes, to be successful, you have to have some failure along the wa

The Joy-The Big Question is What is Joy?

  I am sitting here thinking about my third book that will be related to finging joy in our journey.  I guess we should start with the basics...What is Joy?    According to Webster, Joy is...  "... a feeling of great pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being: gladness..something that gives joy."   Joy is an emotion as well as a state of mind.  I think joy comes from within.  To have a joyful spirit is not connected to external events and happenings.  Finding joy is also finding contentment with who we are, not wishing we were someone else.  Even when times get tough, and they will, we can still have joy. My next post on Joy will focus on how we can become content with who we are and our life situation so that we not only find joy but maintain our joy.  I would love any feedback that you could share.  Please post in the comment box or shoot me a note at I wish you joy in your journey! KathieyV Here are links

Stress Relief and Self Care-Stress Relief Can Be Found in Flowers

  Stress Relief Can Be Found in the Flowers I do love flowers. I have spent much time at Garden Centers and Parks taking photos of flowers. I find it very relaxing to immerse myself in the environment of the flower gardens. I found peace among the beautiful plants, and some of the stress in my life was relieved.  I found this quote on Stress To Strength that says-  "A major study at Harvard University indicates that flowers are a natural stress reliever." I found another statement about flowers and stress relief on Ellison Chair .  Having flowers around the home and office greatly improves people's moods and reduces the likelihood of stress-related depression. Flowers and ornamental plants increase positive energy levels and help people feel secure and relaxed. How can we incorporate flowers into our lives?   Visit Local Gardens: One place I loved to take flower photos was Duke Gardens in Durham, NC. Nothing is nicer than to stroll through the lovely and well-landscaped

Six New Books For Release in September 2024 That Caught My Eye

Here are a few books that caught my eye that will be released in September 2024.   1-All Shook Up A Novel Realistic Fiction, Rock and Roll, Young Adult by Enid Langbert Release Date: September 10, 2024 Good Reads gave it 4/5 stars   Overview... This YA debut speaks to the continued interest in the teen culture of the 1950s—Elvis Presley, teenage rebellion—with a young girl embarking on adventure and music, ultimately uncovering family secrets. Being fourteen is especially hard in 1956, when the world is changing around you. Honor student Paula Levy was born into a family of historical her mother’s youth was lost in the Depression and her father’s was destroyed in the Holocaust, an as-yet-unnamed event about which no one speaks. But Paula has heard the new music taking hold of the nation—rock and roll—and it has given her hope. And she has two friends to get her through life’s ups and Holden Caulfield, hero of  Catcher in the Rye , who shares her view of the world, and Barbara, a “cool”

Stress Relief and Self Care- Let's Get a Pedicure!

I believe that taking the time to take care of ourselves can help us relax and reduce our stress.  I found this thought backed up online, and according to Amherst College "taking care of yourself will help maintain your physical, emotional, and mental reserves to prevent and manage stress. So to take care of myself this week, I decided to get a pedicure. The pool in my community just opened, and sandal weather is here, so I thought this would be a good idea on many levels. Some studies say that stress relief can keep you healthy and boost your mindset and energy levels. One way to achieve a level of stress relief is through self-care.  One way for us to care for ourselves is by getting a pedicure. The environment itself in a spa should be calm and relaxing. Typically there is calming music, and the visual surroundings should be warm and peaceful. Along with the spa setting, there are typically options for scented treatments.  This enhances our experience through aromatherapy. The

Monthly Motivation-God's Light Cutting Through Our Darkness

  God's Light Cuts Through Our Darkness "Light can be seen even in the darkness.   The light from the stars on a very dark night.   The light from a lighthouse in the midnight hours. The light from a candle in a darkened room. The light from a fireplace on a cold winter evening. And, the light of God's love cutting through our darkness." KathieyV I know many of us have experienced times when we felt as though we were in utter darkness.  The depth of that darkness may be so all-encompassing that the thought of looking for a light never enters our mind.  It is as if we are engulfed by darkness with no way out.   There are endless forms this darkness can take.  It could be sickness, death, divorce, violence, injustice, poverty, and the list goes on.   In my case, the darkness that enveloped me was the pain of a betrayal, a separation, and finally, a divorce.  I did not see any light in my darkest times, but I kept praying and leaned heavily on God and his promises... The