Oh no, not today! I came downstairs this morning only to find that the downstairs toilet was clogged. I tried flushing it and nearly had a mess on the floor. Sadly I don't have a plunger. I looked online for ways to unclog a toilet without a plunger. The first suggestion was to use a cup of dish soap. I squirted some into the bowl and walked away. My fingers are crossed for good results. One site said to wait 20-30 minutes and follow with hot water. Another site said hot water is fine but not boiling water because it can crack the bowl and that would not be good. I left the toilet for about three hours. Well, nothing changed. The clog remained. Next, I poured hot water into the toilet. Now it is time to wait to see what happens. Guess what? Nothing happened. The clog remains, very sad. Next, I decided to follow the suggestions and try a metal coat hanger. I found this suggestion to be u...